Saturday, May 31, 2008
had a very pleasant dream just now.. of which i wont disclose it coz it's for me and me only..
only thing i can tell u is..
1. it's not a wet dream (lol)
2. involves a person i know and care about
3. it's maybe a window into my life.. like a sign or something (lol)
and that's that.. probably will forget bout it in few hours time..
oh well..
p/s: not an emo post or anything related to my love live (if i even have one lol)
one thing i like bout doing something until my body gives way is the quality of sleep after that..
pure gold!
and waking up very much refreshed with a beautiful outlook on how life would be after that moment..
life is just.. wonderful:)
Friday, May 30, 2008
1. gift of friendship
2. gift of money
3. gift of love
4. gift of working
5. gift of family
6. gift of laughter
7. gift of dreams
8. gift of giving
9. gift of gratitude
10. gift of a day
11. gift of learning
12. gift of problems
Monday, May 26, 2008
we have been 'BACILLI-ed'
the're happy looking bacilli colonies
so happy that we have to re-do everything over again
(not so cute anymore hahaha)
p/s: luckily i havent rolled up my sleeves yet.. was trying to print out the visa application form.. very stress lei.. all imu computer dowan to accept my printing jobs... thanks to ala i got it done..
quite a stressful day fo me (damn me printers:p)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
know what i think of spams? none of ur freaking biz! period!!!
got this teribble headache since yesterday.. throbbing pain.. one sided.. localized.. persistent.. panadol did nothin.. differential for now.. migraine? shall look into it soon.. now to catch some shut eyes.. coz i'm groggy and emo.. darn u headache!!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
p/s: i'm not a romantic;p
and i was blown away!!!
darn u irish! why do u have to be so romantic.. hahaha
one thing i like bout the movie is the lovely script.. heck it's from a good book.. like duh...
supposed to go convo today..
being the rebellious soul that i am, i refuse!!! lol.. i dun even know why i dun wan to go..
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
let it be a red tide!!!
should be my last champion league final.. at least for the next few years.. and my teams in it..
crossing my fingers into a tight knot that i dun think i can untangle it later lol
let it be a night for manchester united to cap a great season..
can wait.. even as i type these words in, am watching a rerun of the RED night.. champions league final 1999, nou camp, barcelona.. united vs bayern munich
a nite of magic
hope it'll come and visit me again tonight!!!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
a very eventful day!!!
i tot i either got concussion or coup contre coupe injury.. but the diagnosis is far worst than that.. i got facial injury.. until my face a bit deform..
i now got burkitt's lymphoma!!! -but still leng zhai (u think?)
bumps on the orbital ridge and cheeks as well as a cut on the chin..
battle's sign!! (refers to fracture of base of skull!! ben say one lolz)
the next mornin's, went to another friend's house to teach endo. not bad eh? i'm a teacher now.. my mom always said that it runs in the family.. the teaching trait.. yeah i like to teach.. the pleasure of helping another to understand is far greater than studying for urself.. great feeling.. grandad, dad, uncles, aunties, i have a long history of's in the gene!! lolz
after that came the grueling time.. went to lab to do some lab work with ben.. 9pm till now 8.12 am.. (but i'm not as stoopid as ben (lolz) i took time off from time to time.. (actually i started at 12am))
paul came over.. went to mamak with ben, paul, amelia n pris.. talk bout lotsa stuffs.. medical n non medical.. (might consider working in kuching..!!)
ben cam-whoring while i do all the work (hahaha)
-ben: no gloves also haiya.. so slack lolz-
i'm dying!!!!!!!!!!
p/s: happy 24th anniversary to my parents (mazlan mohamad n azian ahmad)
a symbol of eternal love
thru hardship,
sweat, tears,
your 'perfect-love' prevails
we love u both dearly..
we love u
Saturday, May 17, 2008
forgotten bout it till my sis called
just not me to do this kind of thing..
but still, thanks for all the wishes
at least i know i'm old (yes, thank u so much, lol)
funny thing happen again
i kinda got this jinx on this day.. for years now i would find myself extremely sleepy
on the 16th, 17th and 18th of may..
i dunno why but that's how it is..
first year in IMU disappoint INTEC-mate fiona n lydia
bring me out for lunch(or is it dinner)
was sleeping like a baby in mcd
sweat.. ( ithink i had a fever that day.. hope thay understand)
-thanks guys for the birthday meal-
last year kinda disappoint the IMU 'family' by spoiling their surprise
was totally knocked out that day
can feel everyone's "rage" the next day hahaha
-thanks for the cake, card and basketball-
this year spoiled the naboobian (angie n denise) surprise
darn it.. really sorry..
cant do anything it's just how i am
-thanks for the cake, card and "facial for me and my date?" (good one.. kinda make my day)-
yeah that's me alright.. me and my birthdayZZZZZZ
full of disappointment
(i think this have something to do with andropause and growing old)
- u know how they say bout lefties andropause-ing sooner
maturity and blessed year
that's what i hope to achieve this year
thank you god for giving me health, and all the joy in life.. family, friends and a purpose to live.. what more can i asked for
Thursday, May 15, 2008
MUS - (s-s moment..)
was too bored yesterday after lab.. so decided to the the ss thing ever.. google my own name -- MUS
and guess what...
on wikipedia
i'm a freaking card game!!!!
Mus (card game)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mus is a popular Spanish card game originating from the
It is played (normally in two pairs) with the Spanish deck which is a deck of 40 cards (without eights or nines), and it has a variety of different rules in the d
ifferent regions of Spain. The gam
e has four rounds:
· Grande (Biggest): playing for the highest combination of cards.
·Pequeña or Chica (Smallest): playing fo
r the lowest combination of cards.
· Pares (Pairs): playing for the best matching card combination.
·Juego (Game): playing for cards total value
s of 31 or more. Sometimes replaced by a Punto (Point) special round.
It has a distinctive feature in that signals (señas) between players are an accepted part of the game.
Basque emigrants carried the game to other countries. Now
adays there is an international Mus tournament, apart from many national
and regional ones.
check out the cards.. daggers and
gold coins and check out
the trophy for 'mus' tournament.. awesome!!
jari cacat
jari cacat...
a name given in honour of hafiz.. (with his mallet finger..) to a creature of peace..
a rainbow crab
my lil' crabby
died of unknown pathology on this very day last year
jari cacat in his hay days
i'm the king of the mountain!
will always remember how u nibbled my hand when i held u up
how fiesty u were fighting for food ( frozen worms and bread)
how u always ran amok against 'belai rambut' (the other crab named after jimi the jimbut)
how i have to ask siaw to take care of u when i' away
how u always climb out of the tank, clawing ur way using the air rubber-line
and on how i will search for u hi and low when u did that!
in loving memories
rest in peace lil friend..
i'm sorry..

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
on one peaceful mamak session, as i was sipping (actually strawing hehe) my teh 'o' ais, some juniors complain to me on how a bully i was during orientations..
felt good to be in touch with the exam scene albeit not mine.. lolz
it went well but pretty here and there..
after that we went out for late supper..
in come the punch line...
"mustaq, kau ni sombong gile ah dulu, takut nak tegur" said the juniors (apparently girls coz no guys would ever be bother by such minute details)
reaction: what the fish..
i tot i was being like a whore, selling myself to peeps around me and making a fool of myself in the process.. i admit that i'm socially retarded but at least i made an effort to 'attach' myself to to social world.. i tried :(
maybe it's how i restrict myself to certain group of peeps or maybe i'm a bit too cold at times but never "sombong" - i hope:p
but all in all, good to know that they noticed me..
at least they said i'm ok now.. more approachable..
p/s: always tot that i'm the useless, socially retarded joker with no dignity what-so-ever.. all thanks to imu..
btw not EMO-ing
Monday, May 12, 2008
coz i finished phase 1 in IMU and i'm still in IMU... why..
to make things clear, and hoping that there wont be any more question bout it after this, i'm doing attachment for goodness sake.. just and act of trying to get the upper hand when the transfer to calgary is finalised and to make good use of the time i have, and i have loads of it..
but the plan kinda backfired as seniors in UoC start ranting bout how i should have just enjoyed my holiday.. with the risk of rotting my brain to the max!!!!
'dun you ever involved yourself in anything medical now' is what they told me..
darn it... should have listened to them
but, i did enjoy myself during the attachments.. it gave me motivations and drives to pursue greatness in a field that i dun really like in the first place lol
and it gave me the opportunity to spend some more time with my friends before we disperse into the wilderness.. yeah i really appreciate those extra few seconds that i've spent with my remaining batchmates, juniors (m106, m206, m107, m207 and new juniors), and sister in csu! hahaha simply a joy!
also got a chance to be simulated patient (sp), practise osce with juniors, representaing imu in sports events etc etc...
which reminds me...
FOOTIES - passion
ok i'm bored.. spare me!!
lol, that's our yee pei alrite
sorry ah pei.. i just have to do it
p/s: the saga continues.. wait for it...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
not because the season just ended.. not that at all.. just the fact that canada is not really a footballing nation, hence no coverage for epl there... darn it!!! the idea of me not watching any united game for the coming 3 years is just unbearable..
coz watching football is not just 'watching'.. it's the whole experience
going to mamak
with all my football kaki's
smoke from nearby table
bookies dealing in front of me
3 cups of 'teh o ais'
mamak food
yelling at the tube
jumping like a mad man after a goal
bad mouthing the ref and other team
making fun of kee fong whenever arsenal fail to win
mamak dudes
at times spilling curry on my lecture notes
walking to mamak in the wee hours
emo-ing after united's loss
making people wait for me for mamak trips (sorry chris, kee fong, ys)
darn it.. i hate this feeling
i dowan to grow up!!!!!!!

penalty by ronnie and a supersub strike from the old hand _ giggsy..
that's what it takes for united to be crown again as the barclaycard's premier league, english champion..
rubbish all the talks of former crowd fav steve bruce throwing the game away
rubbish all talks of how roman's millions good enuf (cant even win against bolton)
rubbish all the talk of how united start the season in mid table
taking matters into their own hands united player went out and collect a deserving victory while thousands of united supporters cheering from all over the world!!!
altho my mamak experince tonite was one of the worst - dudes puffing their smoke right into my face, some fat chinese dude decided to block the whole world while performing self-breast examination, sucky nasi goreng usa but to cap things off,
too bad gary neville didnt play much this year..
too bad ole cant play no more
the old guards.. salute
Saturday, May 10, 2008

a quote from the latest movie in town - speed racer!
it was a GREAT show, tackling every aspect of emotion and movie-going experience.. and way cool cinematography! one of the catch of the season
kinda brings back memories of my childhood, on how i would anticipated the show week in week out..
i dowan to grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh ya did i mention the car has a big 'M' on top of the hood? 'M' for (mus lol) Mach 5..
"go speed racer, go speed racer.. go......"
p/s: inspirational point according to speed's bro is kissing... how cute is that!
Friday, May 9, 2008
"my parent deserve a bigger house"
up to this point i'm on the verge of spilling my lacrimal secretion...
such big words that wakes me up... how does my parent fit into my future plans.. will they be in it in the first place...
looking back... on where i stand and what it takes for me to be here...
stump for words... i concede defeat.. to me who's drifting away from my values...
i hope i'm still who i am..
now and the future
seem so far now..
i don't want to grow up anymore....
always wondered why they put mus in music... they should have put it as.. errrr bus-ic? coz even a bus sounded better than me.. lol
word of the day ; for a beautiful song, it's not how u sing it, it's how u put ur heart in a song.. so people out there, if u see the cloud is a bit on the heavy side, that's me expressing my thoughts to the world.. coz it is MUSic in actual sense....