why does it have to rain today!!!
football's cancelled and now i have nothing to do
study? heck i wont study at 7pm
coz it's 7pm!!!
it's freaking 7pm!!!
well if i cant do sport today
i shall do the next best thing
reflects on sporting events!!!
first on the list is on how united gonna go 6 points clear tomorrow IF they manage to beat wigan
all in the midst of transfer speculation
cron to real madrid
and tevez to anywhere but united
why???? just stay put, shut ur trap and play proper football - cron
and pleez sign him ferguson, tevez has united written all over his heart and soul
on a lighter note,
i kinda missed playing volleyball since the season ended
now no more jumping about like a sissy
no more serving like sharapova (cant believe i squel whenever i serve lol)
no more busting my knee caps
no more breaking my 2nd pair of glasses
no more kicking my teammate in the face (was trying to save the ball ok)
no more high-fiving after we score apoint
no more emo moments from Nathan after we lost (lol)
no more sarcasm from AJ and Jen Bruce

the kakapo team

the international team - grease monkeys

no more basketball too.. i know i damn noob but it was fun runnnig around without knowing what to do lol

the kakapo basketball team B
and with the summer air breezing in
no more snowboarding for me

the least i can do now is play football when it's not raining
cycle to school
re-strung my rusting squash racquets

cant believe it's sooo expensive to re-string my sweet heart - yelly
which explain my 4 months old new love - n.b. reddy:p
p/s: why do i have a feeling my 'pelampung' around the waistline wont go away?
cycle more, more squash, more soccer!!!!!!
football's cancelled and now i have nothing to do
study? heck i wont study at 7pm
coz it's 7pm!!!
it's freaking 7pm!!!
well if i cant do sport today
i shall do the next best thing
reflects on sporting events!!!
first on the list is on how united gonna go 6 points clear tomorrow IF they manage to beat wigan
all in the midst of transfer speculation
cron to real madrid
and tevez to anywhere but united
why???? just stay put, shut ur trap and play proper football - cron
and pleez sign him ferguson, tevez has united written all over his heart and soul
on a lighter note,
i kinda missed playing volleyball since the season ended
now no more jumping about like a sissy
no more serving like sharapova (cant believe i squel whenever i serve lol)
no more busting my knee caps
no more breaking my 2nd pair of glasses
no more kicking my teammate in the face (was trying to save the ball ok)
no more high-fiving after we score apoint
no more emo moments from Nathan after we lost (lol)
no more sarcasm from AJ and Jen Bruce
the kakapo team
the international team - grease monkeys
no more basketball too.. i know i damn noob but it was fun runnnig around without knowing what to do lol
the kakapo basketball team B
and with the summer air breezing in
no more snowboarding for me
the least i can do now is play football when it's not raining
cycle to school
re-strung my rusting squash racquets
cant believe it's sooo expensive to re-string my sweet heart - yelly
which explain my 4 months old new love - n.b. reddy:p
p/s: why do i have a feeling my 'pelampung' around the waistline wont go away?
cycle more, more squash, more soccer!!!!!!
teves langgar tiang.. LOL!
hahaha yeah damn funny wei dat one..
hi there! wish you a very happy birthday in advance. just in case i forget tomorrow.;p congrats on becoming one step closer to being an old old man... buahahaha..
old old man? but then how come i'm becoming more and more lengzhai haishhh
hahaha thanks lydia..
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