special post dedicated to 'KAPTEN'
safely married to his soulmate

~ aizuddin n nurul izzah
may they share a blessed and happy life together
on the same note... cant help feeling a bit left out
he has definately moved on to the next level in life
the level at which maturity and sense of responsibility over another person's life
become one of his prized assets
a level i dun see myself will achieve in the near future
(hopefully there's a "yet" in between those sentence lol)
borrowing yee pei's quote:
like this i pressure lor!!!! (lol)
i hate this age!!!
OMG!! I;m a YEE pei...that's sounds weird..and yea, pressure...go marry quick....i want to attend malay wedding..kakakak
hahahaha.. then u mau ah pei ka? haiye hamsap lui lol
my wedding wont be malay wedding lor.. gonna be lengzhai wedding..
so guests have to be either leng zhai or leng lui in order to get the invitation card
i cant give u la pei.. sorry.. coz the new-eye-brows-pei will take away all the limelights away from me kakakaka
they look so sweet together. ^^
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