~minus li ying and wei wei
being lengzhaimus... here is another belated post
it's btn 2008 - pusat latihan panorama, langkawi
it's simply a whole week of holiday
nil on studies
nil on labwork
nil on impending calgary date
no worries
the whole experience was fun
meeting interesting peeps
connecting to peeps 5 years younger than yours trully
the lectures were a bore
(we actually compile question for our juniors during the lecture)
the ldk's was fun and heated at times
my ldk group was very dynamic;p
we performed one of the best 'vocal performance' in a 'pentomine' act (lol)
kembara was 'a walk in the park' (literally!!!)
the physical tests was a breeze
food was fairly ok
lotsa porn-starring (according to ben)
and now the actuall facts! hahaha
since the first day.. we (imu students) were marked out of the crowd for few obvious reasons:
1. we are very much OLDER
2. tis' the 2nd outing for us
3. we are and 'established' med students (the rest doing their a-levels etc etc)
4. we are way 'COOLER'.. period!!!
and the not so obvious reasons:
1. 4 'majestically' flew in (no punt intended)
2. bela and budin was the 'jambu' of the trainers
(bela wa elected timbalan penghulu and hafiz the 1st chairperson)
3. we were 'fashionably' late for most of the time
4. our karaoke sessions
yes, one truly entertaining bits of this camp is our morn, mid noon and late-nite american idol's moments singing our hearts out to 'rock kapak' tunes..
tho it's off-tuned
bad choice of songs
(we even sang comercials songs - NINI, NANO NANO, etc, etc)
no snychronization
record braking feat (literally;p)
it was fun all the way coz we got 'connected'
apart from that we got to flirt with the caterer
so that we can sneak off at nite for late late supper
6(++) meals per day really taking it's toll on my poor tummy
we also sneaked off to watch a euro game at 3 with the guard lol
'sneaky' bunch we are lolz
ldk was cool
not a bad bunch to be in
we talk nonsense in almost every sessions
(ok ok only i talked nonsense)
got to sing menara bangsa
i still can laugh at how noob we were during the performance
will miss the bunch...

really a week worth putting in my treasure chest!!
owh yeah... on the way to langkawi, we made several detours in kuala perlis
we made friends with the locals there
(being a small town, they we really a good host, caring neighbours i would say..)
they helped us alot and made life easier for us
really nice
then we rent a car..
then ben drove us to bukit ayer
waterfall!!! i like!!!
mini road trip!!! i like!!!
local delicacies for lunch
on the way back from langkawi
we shopped
then a panoramic sunset dinner by the sea

p/s: for more pix of btn please visitmy facebook account