came across this wierd looking mammal a few months back
an okapi by name
and misplaced in all sort of way
what intrigued me bout this near extint mammal is the fact that
it has a zebra's behind
body looks like a horse
face like a hyena
and it is related to the giraffe?
lol in every single way
a very confused animal i would say
- i bet mr jeremy nuniz know how it feels like lol
and the 'neat-est' thing bout okapi's:
it can lick it's eyes and ears with a foot-long blue-black tongue
the only mammal to be able to do so
~imagine cleaning ur ears with a foot-long rotten subway sandwich
i kinda feel 'related' to this creature.. a mascot of my current life i would say:p
one of a kind, unique, not very socialble(thanks yih seong for pointing my socially-challanged nature) and for the most part, confused
yes, that's how i see myself now
i dun have the slightest idea what in the name of god am i doing now
for years now i've been riding on the coat-tail of whatever comes across me
damn, i never actually put my heart on things i'm 'supposed' to do
i never actually like the things that i'm 'supposed' to like
and i'm 'supposed' to be that person that i'm 'supposed' to be
i was con-ned up to a point i'm totally fused to and cant get out of it
haishhhhh.. that's for being simple minded and the anything-lah attitude
but what the heck... just like what miss tan su yin 'warn' me in her post
'there's no u-turn' - not anymore
ride on soldier!!! keep on marching!!!!
take charge!!!
p/s: good thing is, i'm still a confused lengzhai lol
buahahaha.... lydia was here ^^
spell my name wrong somemore... aihh... if were to ever meet a male bimbo, you would be it lar mus =p
but yea, charge on soldier!! looking foward to seeing you "kao" all the staff nurse and sisters with your okapi charm!
THanks Mus... I knew there had to be an animal just like me... :P
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