Wednesday, February 2, 2011


gary neville, giggsy, ole, scholesy

ary neville, a true red, announced his retirement from football.
a true inspiration, a united captain through ans through
one-club man, the best right back of his generation
reverered for his passion for football and united
played with his heart as if each game is his last

it saddened me when people say:

he's way out of his depth
he's too old for this game
he's a joke
even amongst united fan (not true fan i reckoned)

but people tend to forget how he always pour his whole heart in a game
how his crossess help to conjure victories (bet he is the best crosser at right back)
tireless running, and self sacrifce for the team

some say, he's not a good role model
but he is to me
one of the fergie fledglings
with no fancy footwork, no real pace going forward
he persist with hardwork and determination
for his love (club and mates)

you will be remembered
along the same breadth of the past devil greats:
the great dane, cantona, the baby-faced assasin, ruud, keano
and many others of my united-fan generation

Sunday, January 16, 2011


that's one entity i longed for,

it's been a while since the last time i challanged myself to think out of the box
to revel in my own imagination, conjuring ideas beyond this realm

creativity is an ancient tree with infinite branches
any field, this way, that way
even the smallest of details
the possibilites are just... endless

and it can be used for numerous outcomes
to make things better, to reinvent old preceptions
or simply just to make peeps SMILE

and i like how these made me felt after watching it
pure nonsense but they are creative

Saturday, January 15, 2011

the year two thousand and eleven

it's about time i make a statement for 2011

main aim, to change from this:

back to this:

and it's about time for me to challange myself (finally and seriously;p)

mission 2015:
to inspire
to connect
to smile

kindness: paying it forward project

Saturday, January 8, 2011

the sign of greatness:
singing while yawning;p

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

kid-ding one-self

after a week of doing peads, i came to one realization..
i am no joker..

instead, i am THE JOKER

why so serious!!!!!!

the best thing about peads so far is how u gain trust from parents and the child alike.. how they appreciate the long hours put in.. how they hug you and said "u r the bestest doctor... i wanna be just like you".. how u gain confidence from just their smile.. on how they inspire you to do better next time...

the not so nice about peads are the fact that they are really really sick, they need you to know stuffs that can help them, they need u to be on ur toes always as they doesnt go hand in hand with the time-space continuum.. one minute they say weeeeeeee, the next second auwieeeeeeeeee....

my heart is with peads but my common sense tell me to stay away...

emo-ness, but to me physicians start treating their patients with a smile on their face....

time to get make-up and purple monkeysuit..

Monday, July 5, 2010

the calm before the storm

beginning monday, i will heed all my inefficiencies and awkwardness toward pediatrics
the one specialty peeps keep on telling me, are made for me
maybe it's my social inaptitude, my immature sense of seriousness or maybe just because i'm a retard
but for sure i think it's not MADE for me..

that is why i'm kinda freaked out by the thought of handling sick kids
as in 'peeing-in-my-pants-freaking-out'

i love kids but i dun like the notion of being around sick kids and the parents
and yes, the material might be too overwhelming -- to me..

but hopefully, time will tell.. and god will lead me to the path that is destined for me

on a lighter note, i had one of the most chilaxing weekend for quite some time.
just lazying around and cleaning the place up a bit.. gave me a sense of direction and belonging-ness
might sound a bit off the scale but doing chores calms me down for some reason.. my source of endorphins
before u think i'm a neat freak or something, i would like to stress here that never have i been a tidy person.. missing stuffs and hopping around piles of laundry is a norm to me.. a work of art in picasso-esque;p

and the best things about cleaning up is, u'll find treasure lost since ancient time.. like my old notes saying how i urgently need to lose weight or study more.. kinda like a self-reflection thing.. before-and-after.. and i'm proud to say i'm satisfied with the changes so far.. not quite there yet.. but getting there..

a post of random ideas on current well-being and future hopes... now that's a first from me